Montag, 27. April 2009

An AMULETT for Pedestrian Safety with C2X Communication

The research project AMULETT funded by Bavarian State Ministry for Economic Affairs focuses on the personal safety of pedestrian using C2X communication. That is realized through the cooperative sensor system between the car and the transponder carried by the pedestrian.

This three year research project was led by BMW Research and Technology in together with Continental Safety Engineering International GmBH, the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits, TUM and ZENTEC GmbH. On 6th of May 2009, AMULETT will presentes the results to the public.


Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Platform Demostrated by European CVIS Project

11th Dec. 2008, Berlin, a large amount of participants have witnessed the live demonstration of the universal Vehicle-to-Infrastructure communication platform developed by the European Cooperative Vehicle-Infrastructure Systems (CVIS) project. The demonstration was performed at the test site of German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Berlin-Adlershof.

Two cars communicating with each other and with the road infrastructure have been demonstrated using a mobile router with multiple communication interfaces and innovative positioning techniques. The demonstration showed a seamless connection was maintained the communication interface switching between 3G/UMTS cellular network to WLAN, as well as a smooth handover between infrared and 3G cellular systems. Besides, the denonstration covered also the enhanced positing, real-time maps and location referencing, with precesion higher than one meter.

*Pictures from CVIS project

Orignal news release

Photo courtesy to CVIS Project

The Vehicle Infrastrcture Integration (VII) Program Adopted A New Name: IntelliDrive(SM )

The well know initiative of Research Innovative Technology Administration (RITA) , Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) program, adopted a new name and logo for attracting growing interest and excitement across the global transportation research community.

The newly adopted name, according to the announcement from RITA on Jan. 9, 2009, is IntelliDriveSM. And the new logo can be found at: According to the announcement, "Though its name has changed, the IntelliDriveSM program's focus remains: to develop a networked environment supporting very high speed transactions among vehicles (V2V), and between vehicles and infrastructure components (V2I) or hand held devices (V2D) to enable numerous safety and mobility applications."

The original version of this announcement
IntelliDriveSM - Q&A

Montag, 6. April 2009

ITS Research at Tongji University, China

Thanks to Google web alert, I got a chance to learn the research performed at Broadband Wireless Communication and Multimedia Laboratory, Tongji University, China. There are some very impressive demonstrations showing their researches on Dedicated Short Range Communication system, Pedestrian and Vehicle Detection based on Video and Autonomous Driving Vehicle.

For the for information and the demonstration videos clips can be found at:

Have fun! :-)